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Giving BackšŸŒŽšŸ¤

Did you know that people who give back to their communities are wealthier and happier than people who do not? If you have ever listened to a financial counselor, advisor, or guru speak they all have one thing in common, they believe in giving back to their communities. Their methods maybe different; some tithe in church, some assist homeless people, and others contribute to charitable organizations.

You donā€™t have to be rich to give back to your community. There are plenty things you can do help better your community and the people in it. You can donate your time, you can donate your money, or you can donate material things that you believe may help another person.

My favorite way to give back to the community is to feed people who live on the streets. My family makes about 50 or so sack lunches and we hand them out. We go to an area where there are homeless shelters, usually downtown. I go to the grocery store and purchase brown paper bags, plastic sandwich bags, bread, lunch meat, chips and juice pouches. My family puts the lunches together. This is a great way to spend time together and to teach our children about humility. We talk to the homeless people, try to encourage them and give them a lunch. This usually cost us about $50 dollars every time we do it. I can tell you a million things that I have spent $50 dollars on that did not give me half the satisfaction of helping people. Seeing them helps me remember that we all have a purpose in life and it is up to us to figure out what that purpose is and how to fulfill it.

I also like to volunteer my time. My time is very valuable and sometimes an organization just needs a helping hand. There are shelters, churches, and other nonprofit organizations that cannot always afford to hire people to complete some of the most basic, but much-needed tasks. Contact a local organization and find out how you can help make a difference!

Financially contributing to organizations can be a great way to give back if you are unable to give your time. I suggest doing some research to find out what the organization specifically does with their funds prior to donating. But in all honestly, Ā if you are giving from the kindness of your heart, it doesnā€™t matter what the organization does with the funds. Ā If you have good intentions that is all that matters.

Having financial security is not only about having money, but also about how you are using the money you have. Be wise. Ā In strengthening others, we too become empowered.

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