Who doesn’t like to relax, party or unwind every now and then? We all do, but at what cost? There comes a point when we have to realize that some of our extra activities or things we indulge in are costing us our livelihood.
Discipline is necessary when breaking or curbing any habit that you enjoy. I used to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol years ago. I bought a carton of Kools cigarettes every two weeks, they were about $40 dollars. If you add up the cost of the cigarettes, I was smoking over $1,000 dollars worth every year. I can’t even begin to calculate the cost of my alcohol consumption.

Do you know how much you have spent partying? I know in the course of my lifetime between drinking, smoking and clubbing, I may have spent over $10,000. Take some time and think about what you’ve done in the past and what your goals are for the future. If you want to get ahead financially Maybe spending less on these things will help. Try to track how much you spend on your adult extra circular activities.
You can do anything you put your mind to. Sacrificing a little bit here and there can be extremely beneficial to you. Your financial decisions can be an advantage or a hindrance to your lifestyle, you choose.